Tiancheng Chemical held the 2019 Annual Meeting and 2020 Spring Tea Forum

The 2019 Year-end Summary and Commendation Meeting and 2020 Spring Annual Meeting of Tiancheng Chemical was held in the meeting room on the morning of January 20. 

Firstly, Ma Chi, Vice General Manager of the company, made the New Year speech on behalf of the company, and then, department heads made the working reports related to their sections; 22 advanced workers from different departments went to stage to receive the commendation, among them, 4 workers made statements respectively; Chen Chunlei, Production Manager of the company read the Notification on Spring Festival Holiday in 2020 and Relevant Arrangement. 


Finally, President Zhu made an important address. Firstly, President Zhu expressed congratulations to the advanced workers, and expressed thanks to the hard work of every employee! Next, President Zhu has gone back through continuous development history of Tiancheng, made the detailed planning for the implementation of the new project in 2019 and made thorough arrangement and deployment for the work of 2020 from seven sections in two aspects. Bright blueprint encourages employees, strategy arrangements pushes employees ahead. However, the bright blueprint can only be achieved by working hard, instead of making no effect. Currently, the main task for us is to implement production planning strictly. 

In addition, GM Zhu required us to firmly grasp time strategic diagram, strategic diagram, responsibility diagram and development diagram, adhering to the enterprise spirit of "integrity, honesty, pragmatism, efficiency", to find out gaps with advanced workers and calibrate our thoughts and actions in mentality, to follow the policies in practice, to firmly implement in execution, and make achievements in implementation according to the strategic planning, decisions and arrangements of the company, to carefully do your duty well and actively handle matters outside your duty, to continually find out and solve problems and difficulties, and to devote yourself to promote the schedules and implement the projects with the "rigorous and precise" attitude and spirit of "making progress every day", to ensure that the beginning of 2020 is the decisive battle, and the starting phase is the home stretch. 

After the meeting, all participants participated in the 2020 Spring Tea Forum of the company.